Friday, August 14, 2009

It Is Our Matter

A fire and have an impact on ecosystems and many of the terrestrial processes, including climate change, would have been underestimated, according to a report of the panel, Thomas W. Swetnam, director of the Tree-Ring Research Laboratory at the University of Arizona, Tucson. "It is estimated that the deforestation from the burning of people, about one-fifth of humanity is causing global warming - and the percentage that could be the biggest. It is very obvious that the fire is the main driver of global climate change and this is a call to arms for scientists in the country study and a better assessment of the role of the Fire "

All fires have a combined annual amount of the release of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is equal to 50% of this amount from the combustion of fossil fuels. "It is clear that the fire and one of the most important measures to combat climate change, but the fire does not respond - they feed the warming, which in turn the fire," The Vietnam.

When plants are burned to the release of carbon storage increased global warming. More fires, more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, warming and more - and more warming, and fires. Excellent soot into the atmosphere - known as black carbon - even at high temperatures. "An alarming is that some in relation to the comments and other uncertainties, which could have an important role in the inclusion in the future of climate change," and warns Vietnam.

22 The report authors urge that the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, to the role of a comprehensive ceasefire in the global climate change, and the inclusion of the fire for a better future and reports on this topic.

Never fire, because people on the ground, and the activity in any place and at a time and the omission of acceptable and maintains Vietnam. "The fire of the unusual, but very accurate."

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